About Us

We are a lobby group.  Instead of giving our preferred candidates money, we give them our vote.  

We know people have been deeply disillusioned and disappointed and let down by both the Republican and Democratic parties.   We also know that our country is not doing well.  To the people living in this country, the rule of law feels like chaos and has for some time.

The constitution is a living document.  This means that it can be changed.  Our founding fathers wouldn’t have given us the ability to change it, if they thought it should never be changed.  Granted, it should not be changed often, but our world changes and our reality changes.  We have a reality that our forefathers couldn’t have even imagined.   In 1856, the only thing the government was hurting us with was weapons.  The government threats have changed.  We have to remember the intention of the constitution, not the actual words.  The intention was for the power to be in the people’s hands, which is why the first amendment is the right to bear arms.  However, the threats coming from our government have changed.  We are no longer being threatened by arms, we are being threatened by war mongerers who have no checks and balanced against their power to start wars, we are being threatened by politicians who change our taxes at a whim, we are being threatened by our politician’s ineptitude.  We are a huge country of 45 million people.  To think that a small group of people have the power to put 45 million people into war, etc…  That is why we created this lobby group.  We want the power to return to the people, just like our forefathers intended.  Therefore, we want massive changes in our government.  Go to our propositions page to see what changes we are asking for.  

For our ‘Power to the People’ politicians:  How this works, is that in order for a politician to receive our vote, they must agree to help put our propositions in place.    For the politicians, this is an all or nothing agreement.  If you vote agaisnt any of our initiatives, then you will be taken off our approved politicans list and our members will no longer vote for you.  Your priority is to the people you represent and this lobby group is telling you what we want.  

For our ‘Power to the People’ members:  In order for this lobby group to work and be powerful enough to make changes, we must stick together.  You may not agree with all of our inititiatives but just remember that we need to have a wide net of initiatives, so that everyone feels passionate about his.  Our power is going to be in our numbers.  When it comes time to vote, we want our members to come to this website and look at the candidates who have agreed to back and prioritize all of our initiatives and vote for that candidate.  There may be several ‘Power to the People’ candidates running for each position.

In addition to being a lobby group, we are also providing a platform for independents to run for office.  All you have to do is enter your resume here.  There is no need for you to raise campaign money or be beholden in any way to a traditional lobby group.  All you need to do is be smart, have skills that we are looking for, and post your resume here.  While the republican and democrat parties can only have 1 candidate each, we can have as many independent candidates as people who want to run.  Click here to get more information on running for office as an independent.  You can even run as an independent for president on this platform.