Our Propositions
Student Loan Crisis
Student Loans should be limited just like any other loan. A bank doesn’t give people any amount of money they want. No, they give them the amount they determine that they are most likely to be able to pay them back. The reason for the student loan crisis is because students are using student loans to pay their rent, their bar tabs, all of their expenses while they are going to school. Students are also going to expensive private schools. The original intent is to use them for tuition and books at a public school. We want a limit put on the amount that can be borrowed each year. No more than the average public university. The problem is not that school has gotten too expensevie. There are more community colleges than ever before.
Immigration Reform
We love immigrants. We are not anti-immigration. However, we are for controlled and planned immigration. We need new roads, more schools, more post offices, more police officers, etc.. Do you know how many minutes you have to be on hold in Denver when you call 911? We do not want chaos. We pro-immigration but we want to choose who, when, and how many. We have been a good Christian nation helping others and doing so much charity. But now it is time to think of ourselves.
-We want the asylum system fixed. We consulted with several immigration judges and we came up with this solution. We want congress and the president to do this. Have a two step process, where you don’t get to move on to step two unless you are approved in the step 1. You will only get a work permit if you have been approved for Step 1. Then in Step 2, you get a work permit and this is when you need a lawyer and a judge will determine your case. There is a 2 million person backlog. The definition of asylum is: . It is very difficult for people to obtain asylum and only 5% of the applicants are accepted. This is a moral issue in that people who are actually eligible for asylum are having to wait for 10 years or more to be processed because of the back log. The immigration judges came up with solution to quickly process the outstanding asylum cases to see if you qualify for step 1. If not, you will recieve a notice that you did not qualify for asylum and your work permit will expire in 6 months.
Veteran Crisis
We want our veterans who were deployed to get tricare. We want the disability payments to go back to when the disability was caused.
LGBTQ+ Protections
We want protections for LGBTQ+ in the constitution.
Right to Bear Arms
History of migration to the United States. Why Right to Bear Arms is first in the constitution. How that helped them get away from the crown. Why they were leaving England. Because their government had too much power. The Right to Bear Arms. The reason they didn’t explicity say, the Right to Own Guns is because guns where the means to fight against the government. To protect the people from the government. If the government tried to take too much power or not follow the laws, like not relinquishing power then the people had the right to take them down. They knew that in the future, there might be other and better ways to ‘bear arms’ for protection against the government. This is why they made the constitution the way it is. The constitution gives the power to the people. This is why they put in this policy:
Gun Control
We don’t need guns in order to ‘bear arms’ anymore. We have mass shootings at elementary schools. There are 500 black men who are dying from guns every day. We want to stop the sales of automatic rifles and limit gun sales to those 25 and older (except for hunting guns)
Descendants of Slaves Crisis
List of issues for descendents of slaves
Constitution Changes
All wars have to be approved by majority vote of American Citizens. All drafts have to have the same percentage of people from different races and the same percentage of socio-economic classes, with no extras given to the people from higher social economic levels.
Housing Crisis
Owning real estate in the US is only for American Citizens. Long term rental properties are only for American citizens and people who are here legally. This isn’t because we don’t like immigrants, because we do, this is because our homeless population has increased. There are more homeless families than ever before. We have homeless veterans. We have elderly freedmen folks who are having to choose between food and rent because the rental prices are too high. This is irresponsible.